Hello Friends,

My Name is Vinay Kumar the founder of CoolJobInfo.com

I am a Web Designer by profession but also a Blogger by passion.

I have been blogging since 2020 and established a few digital online businesses and my success is nowhere hidden from my social community. So now I have decided to provide the job info on this website.

I am energetic about sharing my all learnings and encounters with Blogging, SEO, Google positioning, and automated revenue tips to my perusers and each Blogging Enthusiast.

CoolJobInfo.com will be an operating system to provide the job information to you all.

In the Blogging journey, you may fail at one point but I am here to hang you around me until you are willing to tie with me.

For those who are curious about my birthplace then I am coming from Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh (India).

Let’s first talk about who I am and why you should follow me and CoolJobInfo.com